Indigenous Education at UVic is committed to making our environment more welcoming to Indigenous people, to meeting the language revitalization needs of Indigenous communities and to educating both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students in Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
Currently, Indigenous Education offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. At the undergraduate level, we offer community-based, language specific programs, in partnership with individual Indigenous language communities through our Diploma and Bachelor of Education in Indigenous Language Revitalization programs. At the graduate level, we offer a Certificate and Master’s degree program in Indigenous Language Revitalization. We also offer on-campus Indigenous Education courses through the Faculty of Education. Finally, the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies (in partnership with IED) a Masters’ degree in Aboriginal Communities Counseling is offered.
While the current focus of much of the Indigenous Education programming is on language revitalization, we are also committed to increasing the number of educators with Indigenous (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) ancestry. If you identify yourself as First Nations , Metis or Inuit, you may be eligible for a reserved seat in our teacher education programs.